Why Do Pro Athletes Like Cryotherapy?

January 27th, 2016|Categories: CRYOTHERAPY BENEFITS|Tags: , |

High performance athletes submit their body to extreme strain when training and competing. From muscle pain to injuries, tissue damage or bruises and broken bones, they need efficient methods to recover. The faster they recover, the faster they can get back to it. Traditionally, members of sports teams and athletes have immersed in iced water [...]

How Whole Body Cryotherapy Works

January 14th, 2016|Categories: Whole Body Cryotherapy|Tags: , , , |

You’re likely to have heard of it by now. You can hear the buzz, but you don’t quite know what to make of it. What is Whole Body Cryotherapy, and how does it work? This powerful alternative to cold-water immersion (ice baths) has been around for years, widely used in the medical field and for [...]